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  Poggio DiNinfa Società Agricola           Gioi ( SA)

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"Our business idea" interview given to

Image of our Logo
Our Logo with Gioi inside


The Agricultural Society Poggio Dininfa has its headquarters and  establishments located in the municipality of Gioi (SA), within the Cilento National Park. It also benefits from a commercial office in Milan.


We manage the entire process of growing olive trees, up to the production and marketing of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Natural soaps based on Olive Oil.


We boast consolidated skills and a propensity to integrate innovation and tradition.

We limit the marketing mainly to products  of our production.


In this context, we manage the entire process of growing olive trees, up to the production and marketing of extra virgin olive oil, exclusively from Cilento olives.


We make ourselves recognizable through the registered trademark“Mediterranean Oleum of Cilento”.


We cultivate native olive groves (in the areaSt. Catherine,PantaneAndField air), located in well exposed and ventilated hilly areas about 20 km from the sea, originally planted by the ancient Greeks. The grounds are located at an altitude between 350 and 430 meters.


We cultivate without the use of chemicals or pesticides, using eco traps and natural fertilizers.

We have ICEA total organic cultivation certification.


Integral EVO oil, is not filtered, the clarification phase takes place spontaneously, according to the traditional method of sedimentation  natural in cask.

This procedure, handed down from our ancestors, allows you not to filter the oil, fully safeguarding all the organoleptic characteristics. Any small residues or opacity, are  characterizing the procedure and, if anything, guarantee the genuineness of the product.


We produce two distinct qualities of oil (Aurum And Classicus) that differ in the production process; each of which is constantly monitored, to guarantee the expected quality levels.

Just one year after production, our oil becomes  Ancient Soaps -  Cleopatra -Natural soap 100% BIO Olive Oil or 

 Venere Natural soap 75% BIO Olive Oil and 25% Laurel Oil -

Handmade with ancient methods and a long maturation,without preservatives, dyes, perfumes, allergens or foaming agents

The identification of the origin is the basis of our mission.


We offer a limited production, rigorously produced in Cilento, which is conceived with a monitored process.


We are inspired by the principles represented by the Mediterranean Diet, also by virtue of the places of origin of the product, which have been the scene of the birth of what is a lifestyle that has been handed down for centuries.


 In these areas, oil has been synonymous with prosperity and wealth for millennia, today it symbolizes well-being and  healthy eating.

For these reasons, we believe that the traditions and fundamental values of a product that is identified at the base of the Nutritional Pyramid must be respected. 

The motto of our company
Our production philosophy


Gioi is a charming town resting on the top of a hill in the heart of Cilento.

There where you just need to look out from the belvedere to admire at its feet, expanses of olive groves alternating towards the Mediterranean scrub of Velia and its ruins by the sea e seeing in the distance, on clear days, the islands of Capri or Vulcano.


The origins are lost in time.


The name ;Gioi most likely derives from an ancient temple dedicated to Jupiter, in what must have been an ancient ;Greek outpost, of the colony of Velia (current Ascea). In  it developed to become a medieval castle, whose towers and walls still bear witness to it,


The economy has always been based on agriculture, where the production of oil is the master.

Even today, most families cultivate olive trees, harvesting and preserving the legacy of passion and gratitude towards these fruits, which people  have been handed down for generations.

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Delivery FREE all over Italy
for amounts exceeding €100.00

The Wonders of Gioi

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Luogo sede dell'Azienda















Parco Nazionale del Cilento.gif

Parco Nazionale del Cilento.gif

Poggio DiNinfa

Poggio DiNinfa

Depodito Pantane

Poggio DiNinfa

Poggio DiNinfa

Deposito Pantane

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Concimazione Biologica 1

Concimazione Biologica

Concimazione Biologica

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Coltivazione biologica

Coltivazione biologica

Preparazione dei terreni con concime naturale

Coltivazione biologica

Coltivazione biologica

Preparazione dei terreni con concime naturale

Coltivazione biologica

Coltivazione biologica

Preparazione dei terreni con concime naturale

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Olive destinate alla produzione di Aurum

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Predisposizione utile ad evitare il contatte delle olive con il terreno

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Le olive vengono tasportate al frantoio il giorno della raccolta, in condizioni da evitare schiacciamenti e surriscaldamenti

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Preparazione alla raccolta.JPG

Uliveto Poggio

Uliveto Poggio



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