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High quality
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Presentation Classicus slim Organic
As tradition dictates

Aurum it is a product of Italian excellence


The high quality is the result of a laborious and rigorous production process, tested over time.

«Concentrated Selective Process».


The process is characterized by the ability to identify the narrow time window of the harvest, in the pressing times and in the natural settling and conservation process handed down for generations.


But all this would not be enough without nature:natural organic cultivation (ICEA Organic Certification), centuries-old plants of selected Cilento cultivars (DOP Cilento), hillside plantations with ideal exposure and ventilation.


The entire supply chain is oriented towards obtaining the highest level of quality:


•      Well-defined harvest window, the fruit must be in the first stage of ripening (practically still green), which involves certainly a very low yield, but it guarantees onehigh quality.


•      The olives must be carefully removed by hand, by combing, avoiding that they touch the ground, to avoid damage, and the same day in order to get aVery low acidityand increase the percentage ofPolyphenols.


•      Is extractedcold, with a squeezing process aloopwith ashort kneading.


•      It is not filtered, to obtain aIntegral oil, avoiding the deprivation of fundamental components, to preserve all the characteristics intactOrganoleptic and Nutritional.


•      It is stored using ancient techniques, in special containers, and decanted naturally, in order to block theOxidation processandbreak down the peroxides.


•      Periodic manual actions are carried out to separate the oil from the natural residues, in order to obtainoptimum flavour, clarity and density.


The whole process guarantees an oil ofHigh quality, which keeps intact all the beneficial characteristics of this wonderful product of nature.

An oil is obtained that preserves an always fresh and natural taste and aroma, with aMedian of Fruity High.


Aurumit doesn't cover the flavors it enhances them!



Extra virgin olive oil– Characteristic fragrance, harmonious and balanced taste. Medium bitter and spicy - Green colour, medium density.


Aurum turns out to be the ideal product with which to implement the indications of the - US Federal Drag Administration -, which suggests taking a spoonful of quality EVO oil, half an hour before having breakfast. Maybe adding a few drops of lemon.


Ultimately, it deserves a place of honor on your table every day, with the elegant 0.50 l Kolio bottle.


It should be used exclusively as a raw dressing.



Direct online sales

 from the manufacturer

to the consumer.

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Classicus –The taste of tradition



It expresses its vitality through a natural transparency and versatility, the result of the quality of the olive groves and the tested transformation process, which follows the experiences of the Cilento farmers.


The olives are harvested in the Cilento National Park, grown without the use of chemicals, using traditional cultivation methods. From centuries-old olive groves positioned in excellently exposed areas.


Classicusit is produced with olives harvested at a medium ripening stage, according to the traditional methods of the places.


For harvesting, harvesters with plastic teeth are used, in order to limit the possibility of damaging the olives as much as possible.


The milling is carried out within 24 hours of harvesting, generally in the mill with a cold process, of the traditional type with stone press.


Also the production ofClassicusit is of typeWhole wheat.In fact, it is not filtered, but decanted in a natural way.


Classicus  is available in the versions:

-Classicus Bio Dop Integral, 

-Classicus Organic Integral, 

-Integral Classicus, 


Golden yellow colour

Delicate fruity

Medium density

Balanced oil

Intact organoleptic properties

Low acidity

Versatile, suitable for cooking and seasoning.


Formats: 750 ml bottle - 3l cans

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Product data sheets

DININFA Aurum 0.50l BIO DOP Wholemeal yes

Product data sheets

DININFA Classicus 0.75l BIO DOP Integral
DININFA Classicus 3l BIO DOP Integrale s
DININFA Classicus 0.75l ORGANIC Wholemeal yes
DININFA Classicus 3l Organic Wholemeal website
DININFA Classicus 3l Integrale site
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